About the REU Program
Application for EBICS REU Summer 2018: OPENING NOVEMBER 15TH
Applications are now closed!
EBICS announces its “Engineering Biological Machines” Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program for summer 2018. The REU is a summer research program that will fund undergraduate students assigned to EBICS labs at each primary institution: Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC).
If you have any questions, please email: ebics_admin@mit.edu
What EBICS REU Offers
- 10 weeks of hands-on research at MIT, UIUC, or GT.
- $4500 stipend per student.
- Free housing & allowances for meals and travel
- Grad school prep, faculty mentoring, professional development and social engagement with other students on campus.
- Networking with REUs across GT, UIUC, and MIT, as well as students and faculty across all 11 EBICS institutions
- Poster and oral presentation at the end of the summer
Eligibility to Apply
- Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident
- Must be currently enrolled in a science or engineering undergraduate program (biology, chemistry, physics, materials science, bio-engineering, computer science, and related fields).
- Students from underrepresented minority groups, women, and individuals with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application and Program Timeline
- November 2017: Application opens
- 11:59 PM EST Friday, February 16, 2018: ALL application components must be submitted in order to be considered for selection to the 2018 EBICS REU cohort. Your application will not be considered if it is missing any required application components.
- We will start to review and consider applications before this date (semi-rolling application) so the earlier you complete your application the better!
- Early March 2018: Acceptance notifications
- Late May/early June – end of July/early August: 10 weeks of REU experience at placement institution (GT, MIT or UIUC)
- REU at GT dates: May 20 – August 2, 2018
- REU at UIUC dates: May 27 – August 2, 2018
- REU at MIT dates: June 10 – August 17, 2018
How to Apply – Application OPEN NOVEMBER 15TH, 2017
- You will need to create an EBICS account before you can access the application for EBICS REU.
- Log into your account and APPLY HERE!
Application Components
- Background/identifying information
- Academic information
- Resume
- Transcript (we will accept unofficial transcripts)
- Personal statement – in two pages or less, answer ALL of the following questions:
- Describe any previous research work, either through a summer program or academic year program, and what you gained from the experience
- Correlate this previous research work to the theme of the EBICS Science and Technology Center.
- State how participation in the EBICS REU program will benefit your future academic and professional careers.
- Two letters of recommendation written on institution/organization letterhead
- In the application, applicants are required to submit the names and emails of two references. When applicants save OR submit their applications, references will each receive an email from EBICS with directions on how to upload and submit recommendation letters for the respective applicant. Applicants will receive an email notification upon a successful submission of a recommendation letter by a reference.
Please note that it is the applicants’ responsibility to input and submit reference emails accurately, and to follow up with their references to ensure the submission of recommendation letters to EBICS by no later than 11:59 PM EST Friday, February 16, 2018.
TIP: References can prepare recommendation letters independent from EBICS REU 2018 application launch. Applicants intending to apply for EBICS REU 2018 should request recommendation letters from their references as soon as possible to allow references adequate time to prepare strong recommendation letters.
Institution and Lab placement preferences (Please find a list of EBICS faculty HERE. Applicant can indicate lab preferences located at GT, MIT, and UIUC).
- How many students are selected to participate?
- GT, MIT, and UIUC will each accept 5-7 REU students for their 2018 cohort.
- Must recommendation letters be uploaded before I can submit my application?
- The process for a reference to submit a recommendation letter is independent from an applicant’s ability to submit all other components of the application. However, while applicants can submit their applications without recommendation letters having already been uploaded, applications are NOT considered complete until two recommendation letters have been submitted for the application. See Application Components for more details.
- Can a TA write my recommendation letter for EBICS REU?
- Applicants are free to ask whomever they feel would provide the best support as to why they are strong contenders to participate in REU Summer 2018. However, it is best practice to connect with your professor/PI first.